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Archive for August 2014

Prepare Your Vehicle to be Shipped

After you have selected and secured a reputable auto transport company, you will need to prepare your vehicle to be shipped.  Because each auto transport company differs slightly, it is in your best interest to verify the proper steps directly with the company your select.  However, the following steps are a good starting point.

  1. Remove your personal items:  If you are moving, it may seem like a great idea to pack your vehicle full of things you need to also arrive at your final destination in order to save yourself some additional shipping costs.  Unfortunately, this is not a good idea for a number of reasons.  Most auto transport companies are not insured to cover your personal items, and many are not even licensed to have them aboard, so they will instruct you to remove them prior to transport, delaying the departure time, and messing up the shipping schedule.  The additional weight of your items in the vehicle can also put your over the pre-determined weight limit, which can lead to hefty fees and/or also cause delays.
  2. Wash your car:  This one may seem counter-intuitive, especially if your vehicle is being shipped in an open container.  However, prior to departure, the driver will be assessing your vehicle from front to back, top to bottom, making note of any scratches or blemishes already present, and a clean car is much more easily inspected.  A proper inspection will ensure there are no damage disputes when your vehicle arrives at its final destination.
  3. Protect Aftermarket Add-ons:  If your vehicle has any aftermarket alterations, you will want to make sure they are properly secured, or even removed, so as not to suffer any damages during transport.  Especially items, such as spoilers, that may extend the shape and size of your vehicle, and make it more likely to be scratched or dented.
  4. Ensure Gas Tank is LOW:  You will want to leave your vehicle with approximately 1/8 tank to ¼ tank prior to pick-up.  A full tank increases the weight of the vehicle which can lead to delays at weigh stations, and additional fees for you.
  5. Make Sure Battery is Charged:  Because your vehicle will need to be started after a prolonged period of disuse, depending on the shipping time, a fully charged battery will ensure there are no issues when it needs to be started back up at the final destination.

Again, confirm with your auto transport company additional steps for preparing your vehicle for transport prior to pick-up, but by following the steps above, you should be well prepared to having your vehicle shipped with no issues.

Delays in Shipping

More often than not, when shipping a vehicle, you will receive a range of time/days indicating the vehicle’s arrival at the final destination.  Customers often wonder what contributing factors would go into delaying the transport of their vehicle.  Unfortunately, there is a quite a variety of components that can cause the delay, many of which are completely unavoidable and unpredictable.

Weather Conditions:

The most inevitable of these factors would be unforeseeable weather conditions.  Whether, the vehicle is making the journey across country, or even across the ocean, weather can be extremely unpredictable.  Anything from snow which can cause road blocks, to a hurricane which can halt or delay a ship’s progress, there is simply no way to avoid these acts of God.  In some cases, alternate routes may be available, while in other situations, the transport driver may be forced to simply wait out the storm.

Weigh Station Lines:

Another inescapable issue can be long weigh station lines which can delay the transport of a vehicle across country.  Because these wait times cannot be predicted or avoided, the transport driver could be subjected to dealing with longer than average delays.

Flat Tires or other transport maintenance issues:

Although auto transport companies strive to keep their transport vehicles in exceptional condition, flat tires and other mechanical issues are unforeseeable and can cause temporary delays, especially depending when on route they are discovered and remedied.  While a flat tire may only push back arrival time a couple hours, a more serious mechanical issue in a rural area could cause a longer set-back.

Customer Reliability:

Unfortunately, sometimes the delay can be attributed to the customer.  If a drop off is scheduled, and the customer arrives late, it can easily throw off the entire transport schedule by hours or more.  Also, incorrect paperwork presented at pick-up can slow down the process and delay the vehicle being released.

Although, no one can have a direct influence on weather related or other unforeseeable circumstances, make sure to hold up your end of the deal by being prepared and on time, and be aware that a range of dates for arrival allow for a more accurate prediction.  Be wary of an auto transport company that provides the exact time and date of arrival because these often lead to tenuous expectations.

Costs of Shipping a Vehicle

There are many factors that go into determining how much an auto transport company will charge to ship your vehicle.  For someone who is not familiar with the process, the first step of obtaining a quote can be very confusing if you do not know what to expect.  It is always in your best interest to request a breakdown of the fees for each quote you obtain, so that you can more easily compare apples to apples when shopping for the best rate.  You should also be aware of the main components in determining the costs of shipping.

Contributing Cost Factors

  • Size of Vehicle– Larger and heavier vehicles are usually more expensive to ship as they take up more room and weigh down the transport truck, so you can expect to pay more for a heavy-duty truck than a compact sedan.
  • Type of Car Carrier– The most popular option for shipping a vehicle is to use an open container, but sometimes, you may determine an enclosed carrier is a better option for your car.  If that is the case, you can expect an increase in costs, simply because the carrier type provides much better protection against the elements.
  • Condition of Vehicle– If your car is non-operational and cannot be driven on to the carrier, the costs will increase significantly because you will require a truck with the proper equipment to load and unload a non-working vehicle.
  • Drop-off and Pick-up Location– Although the distance itself plays a large part in determining cost, the location of drop-off and pick-up also weighs heavily in the calculation.  More remote areas are more expensive than central locations, and you will find that you can save yourself some money if you are able to be flexible with beginning and end locations.
  • Terminal Use– If you are unable to have your vehicle dropped off immediately prior to shipping or picked up immediately after arrival, you may need to use a terminal for temporary storage.  The fees for terminal use vary by location, but the longer your vehicle will be in one, the more you can expect to pay.

If you gather all the relevant information pertaining to the above factors prior to requesting information, you will receive the most accurate and detailed quote.  If you are unsure about any information, feel free to ask your shipping company to elaborate.  The testimony of a great shipping company should be the willingness and ability to fully service their customers and handle all questions or insecurities.

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