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Archive for June 2015

Why Do People Buy Classic Cars?

Why Do People Buy Classic CarsBuying a classic car isn’t just “buying” a car. It’s making an investment to your future or to the future of your children or grandchildren. It’s a special moment when someone makes the purchase of their first classic car. When you buy a brand new car, you have to worry about the investment depreciating over time. Classic cars on the other end move up in value as time goes by.

Classic cars can be compared to property when it comes to increasing value. Just as with property value, classic automobiles increase value through the years. A tract of land that was $500 twenty years ago may cost more than $100,000 to purchase today. The same applies to those classic beauties you see in car shows around the globe today. A brand new 1965 Mustang was around $2300. In today’s classic car selling market the same car is valued at $60,000 or more! See what we mean? Classic cars are an investment that will continue rising as the years pass by. When properly maintained a vintage or classic car will keep its value over the years.

You Must Take Care of Your Classic Car!

When you have a classic car you may begin to feel as if a can of shine spray has become an extension of your own body. Classic car owners seem to have an amazing sense of tranquil shining care about them. Making sure your vintage Mustang stays show room spectacular just comes natural to you and you will do all that you can to ensure the car looks just as it did when it was first introduced back in 1965. Many people akin their car to a spouse or a life partner. After all, people will often take better care of their car than they will their own home or health. It’s true. Owning a classic car is a passion that can be compared to no other and being able to have one is something of a rite of passage for many classic car owners.

A Healthy Hobby!

If you have a wife or girlfriend be aware that as an owner of a classic car, you may begin seeing many jealous moments arise out of desperation to gain your attention away from the car. You’ll find that the more time you spend working on your car to restore it or make it shine, the less time you’ll spend with those you love. You’ll need to make sure you pry yourself away from your obsession to make time to spend with loved ones. Over time you may even find a way to bring them into the realm of your happiness for the car.

Introducing loved ones to classic car shows can be a great way to let them see just how amazing these cars are. There are shows all over the United States and while some are just for show, many offer prizes for looks, engines and many other aspects of classic car ownership. If you’ve been a smoker all your life, owning a classic car can help you quit. The more you invest in your new purchase, the less you’ll have to spend on tobacco products! A classic car can be way to a healthier you which in turn will bring happiness to all who know and love you.

When you find the classic car of your dreams and you need to have it shipped locally, state to state or overseas, you can contact Classic Car Shipping and let us take care of your investment just as you would yourself, one mile at a time

Image courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net / Serge Bertasius Photography

Getting Your Classic Car Ready to Ship Out

Getting Your Classic Car Ready to Ship OutYou searched online for weeks to find the perfect company to ship your car from Boston to San Diego and now it’s a week before your shipping date. You trust your shipper but how do you get your classic car ready for transport? You want to make sure everything is done correctly to ensure your car will arrive in San Diego in the same condition as when it is loaded onto the carrier. Your car shipper and transport carrier will most likely have insurance coverage for the transport, but you will also want to speak to your own insurance agent as well to make sure your personal insurance will cover the car while it is being shipped. There is never anything wrong with having too much insurance to ease your mind and protect your valuable classic automobile.

Next you will want to consider the type of transport your car will be shipped in. Some cars are shipped by open transport while others are shipped by enclosed carriers. Whichever you have chosen, you will need to prepare your car. You’ll want to remove all personal items from your car. If you have anything inside that is detachable such as a pull out stereo console or a removable DVD player you will want to remove those before the car is loaded. You’ll also want to make sure you have taken all personal paperwork and other items out of the car. When your car is being transported there are a lot of people who may be near the car as it travels and it is always safe to have anything inside of the car taken out before travel.  Also be sure to disable any alarm system you may have on the car. There is nothing more annoying on the highway than to have a car alarm begin going off as it travels down the road.

You will want to clean your car before it is loaded onto the carrier. Not only does this ensure that debris do not fly off the car while it’s being transported but it will also assist with seeing any signs of damage prior to shipping. That brings us to another good suggestion. The day that the driver arrives to pick your car up they will complete an inspection of the car for visible signs of damage such as chipped pain, dents and scratches. Both you and the carrier driver will need to sign the inspection paperwork after it has been completed. To better safeguard your investment, you should take pictures or videos of the car from all angles to check for signs of damage. Make sure that all photos and videos have a current time and date stamp on them. This way of there is anything wrong with the car when it arrives you will have pictures to show. Seldom ever does damage occur during car shipping, but it is always better to be safe than sorry on the off chance that something does happen. You’ll want to keep in mind that when cars are shipped, especially on open carriers, they are just as susceptible to the flying debris and weather as they are when you are personally driving.

Some last things you will want to check will be to your battery to make sure it is fully charged and your fuel and fluid levels. Fluid levels should be full but usually shipping companies will recommend that your fuel no fuller than ¼ tank during transport. Some shippers will need you to remove all fuel from the car prior to loading for transport. Your shipping representative will let you know what their requirements pertaining to fuel are. Just as your car is about to be loaded, take one last walk around it and make sure there is nothing that can fall off and make sure your side mirrors are pushed down so there is no chance of them hitting something and being broken during transport.

Once this has all been done your car should be ready for transport to where you need it to be.


Image courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net /  Sharron Goodyear

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